The Shocking Way That Mary Poppins Can Help You Finally Stop Self Sabotage.

“A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down” 🎶🥄

You might recognize these song lyrics…

from none other than the most well-known and sweetest English nanny of all time, Mary Poppins!

(stay with me + keep reading to see the whacky connection between the lyrics and your own struggle with self sabotage)…

What Mary Poppins was referring to in these lyrics is actually an AMAZING HACK to help boost your willpower and squash procrastination. 

(Which I know we all want to do!)

More than just a catchy pop phrase, Poppins is referring to a science-proven method of behavioural change,

which you can use to your own advantage to #SLAY your GOALS and stop self-sabotage in its tracks...

This awesome tool of transformation is known in behavioural science as TEMPTATION BUNDLING.

This is where you pair the INSTANT GRATIFICATION of the first activity that you enjoy (eating yummy sugar) to help you engage in the SECOND ACTIVITY which you really don't like, but know you should do (taking your much-needed medicine). 

We can easily apply this tool to ANY habit we wish to encourage in our own lives.

For example, bundling your favourite guilty-pleasure trash TV show (Vanderpump Rules, anyone?!) with your daily workout!


pairing your favourite podcast with meal prep! 


pairing your delicious morning latte with taking your supplements and water! 


pairing a phone call with your bestie with a brisk walk outdoors!

Sounds pretty simple, right?!

Here are 3 action steps to actually implement and start to use this life hack to slay your fitness goals, today: 

1. Make a list of your favorite activities and guilty pleasures!

What gives you a hit of dopamine, and what would you love to do, if you had all the time in the world to do it? What is relaxing, fun, and purely pleasurable for you? 

Think of what entertains you: books you can't put down, TV shows you can't quit watching, your favourite song, favourite drink, the one person you could stay on the phone with for hours on end...

Write down as many as you can think of! :) 

2. Make a list of your "should do" healthy activities that you are struggling to stick to. 

Is it getting in your workouts? Drinking enough water? Getting in steps? Meditating? Prepping healthy meals? Organizing your calendar to set your week up for success?

3. Look at the lists and see what activities can be "bundled" together!

Which ones can you do at the same time? or back to back? 

Link them together and get creative! 

The options are endless, if you truly dump your brain onto paper and think of alllll the opportunities to link sugar and medicine!

Thank you, Mary Poppins!! 

P.S. Please let me know your thoughts on this! I would love to hear what comes to mind for you that you can bundle to start to see more success in your fitness goals! (or what you already are bundling!)


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