What’s the Deal with Gut Health?

Gut health is a hot topic, and for good reason!

Recent research has linked the health of our gut to virtually every aspect of our overall health and wellbeing—from digestion and absorption of key nutrients, to skin health, immunity, mental health, cognition and disease-prevention.

Interestingly, approximately 95 percent of our serotonin, the “feel good chemical” is produced in our gut. When our gut is healthy, our mind reaps the benefits.

70 percent of our immune system cells are also housed in the gut. Getting sick often, and having a hard time fighting infection? Your gut health might be a major factor.

So—what is the deal with gut health? And how do we improve the vitality of our gut microbiome to reap the immense benefits for holistic well-being?

Our gut is home to an estimated 100 trillion bacteria. There are more microbes chilling in our our gut than in our entire body!

When our gut health is compromised, we are compromised.

When our guts thrive, we thrive.

Symptoms of poor gut health to look out for:

  • digestive issues: bloating, gas, constipation, watery stools

  • brain fog and impaired memory/cognitive function

  • skin issues: acne, rosacea, redness, sensitivity

  • fatigue and chronically low energy levels

  • autoimmune conditions

  • mood imbalances, increased anxiety + depression

What negatively impacts our gut health?

  • Frequent and overuse of antibiotics

  • Overconsumption of processed foods

  • Smoking and alcohol use

  • Chronic elevated stress

  • Poor lifestyle factors: lack of exercise and too little sleep/stress recovery

Action steps we can take to improve gut health:

  • Choose a diet of mostly whole, unprocessed foods, with an emphasis on eating enough fiber [25-30 grams is optimal]

  • Manage stress [ex: deep breathing, meditating, and choosing activities that calm you and bring you joy]

  • Exercise regularly

  • Practice good sleep hygiene

  • Eat mindfully. Slow down, chew fully, and connect to your food. Avoid distractions such as driving or watching TV/scrolling while eating

  • Pay attention to any signs of food intolerances, such as gassiness and bloating after a meal or particular food

  • Consider taking a probiotic supplement, particularly after being on antibiotics

  • Choose prebiotic foods: onions, garlic, apples, asparagus. bananas, oats

Remember, a happy gut = a happy life. Comment below and let me know if you found this article useful, and which gut health action steps spoke the most to you!!


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