Motivation Sucks. Try This Instead.

If you have a big, shiny health and fitness goals, you are likely looking for ways to become and stay more motivated.

I am here to tell you to stop searching for motivation.

The truth is, motivation sucks. You simply cannot rely on it.

Motivation is a fleeting emotion, that comes and goes, like any other. Waiting to feel motivated or “ready” to make a big change will have you waiting forever—and feeling completely stuck and frustrated.

The good news? You can hack your way through lack of motivation and still CONQUER your goals.

Here’s 5 ways how:


    Whatever your goal is, break it down into the smallest and simplest step possible. Want to completely transform your eating habits? Start with adding one vegetable serving a day.

    Once you have mastered one habit, add another. Slow and steady wins the race.


    If your goal is to show up to the gym 3x/week, plan the exact dates and times. Put them into your calendar and be non-negotiable with this time. If you wouldn’t stand up your dentist, why would you stand up yourself? You are the most important person in your life. Prioritize what matters to you!


    Pairing a new habit with an old one is a surefire way to take action. Choose something you do every single day effortlessly (such as brushing your teeth), and pair the new desired action directly after it (drinking a huge glass of water). It is important to stack the new habit with a daily routine, and not a time of day (ex: stack a 20 minute walk after supper, not at 7 pm).


    Emotions are intrinsically linked to our habits, both good and bad. When creating a new habit, we need to attach strong positive emotion to our actions. Dopamine hits will then rewire our brains to seek out the repeated action. When you successfully show up to the gym or cook a beautiful, well-balanced meal, be proud and celebrate your progress! (Call a friend to brag, write it down in your journal, do a little victory dance, tell your reflection what a total badass you are.) Take any action that celebrates your hard work, no matter how small it may seem.


    Share your goals with others, and seek support. This can take on many forms in your life: a coach, mentor, friend, partner, online support group. Find others who share similar goals and can assist you on your journey. Ask for professional help when you need it.

Most importantly, keep #$%^*&& going! Making major life changes takes time and consistent effort. Stay the road, remain patient, and have faith in yourself.

You are much more capable than you imagine.


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